Our Staff

A/Prof Kaushik (Kosh) Hazratwala is a Specialist Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeon with an interest in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction, Sports Injury Surgery and General Limb Trauma. A/Prof Hazratwala gained his Medical Degree from the University of New South Wales in 1995 and chose to train in Orthopaedic Surgery thereafter. A/Prof Hazratwala worked in New South Wales as a junior Orthopaedic Trainee until 2003 when he was chosen for advanced training in Queensland. A/Prof Hazratwala did his first year of advanced training in Townsville at The Townsville Hospital. He went on to finish his training in Brisbane in 2007, obtaining a full Orthopaedic Fellowship.
After completing his training, A/Prof Hazratwala returned to Townsville and worked at The Townsville Hospital as a full-time staff specialist and was the Director of the Department of Orthopaedics. In January 2009, A/Prof Hazratwala formed the Queensland Lower Limb Clinic as a specialist center for Orthopaedic Surgery, offering super-specialised orthopaedic services for conditions of the lower limb.
In 2015, A/Prof Hazratwala along with 2 other orthopaedic colleagues formed the Orthopaedic Research Institute of Queensland. ORIQL is a non-profit, registered charity conducting clinical & scientific research in the fields of Orthopaedic Surgery & Musculoskeletal Medicine. Working in partnership with James Cook University, The Townsville Hospital & the Mater Hospital Pimlico, to develop & conduct research programs. ORIQL provides a conduit for pre-vocational orthopaedic trainees to conduct clinical research and offers arthroplasty & sports medicine fellowships. Please refer to our Research and Publications section for further information on current research, publication and presentations.
A/Prof Hazratwala’s specialist area of surgical interest is computer aided surgery. A/Prof Hazratwala has developed his own alternate alignment knee replacement surgical technique. He is currently working with Depuy Synthes, a Johnson and Johnson company to develop this technique to help and aid other surgeons perform knee replacement with this technique.
A/Prof Hazratwala also runs a center for surgical excellence, for Corin Academy . He teaches visiting surgeons from all over the world how to perform OPS Corin Hip Replacement OPS Corin Hip Replacement. Dr Hazratwala is one of the few surgeons in Australia who performs hip replacement using the intellijoint Hip Navigation Computer.
A/Prof Hazratwala is responsible for teaching and training Accredited Orthopaedic registrars with the Australian Orthopaedic Association. His attachment at The Townsville Hospital allows him to look after public patients providing super specialised lower limb surgical techniques to all patients in North Queensland, Private and Public alike. It is at the public hospital that he also is an Adjunct Lecturer with the James Cook University , School of Medecine and Dentistry, A/Prof Hazratwala regulary sits on the selection panel for Medical Student Intake and is an examiner for the end of year final clincal examinations.
A/Prof Hazratwala is a member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association.
Currently A/Prof Hazratwala holds a public position as a Visiting Medical Officer at The Townsville Hospital in Douglas. He is the Director and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at our Clinic and he holds visiting and admitting rights at the Mater Hospital, Pimlico and The Townsville Day Surgery, The Lakes.
In Nov 2019 he was awarded an Associate Professor position in Orthopaedic Surgery at the James Cook University, Townsville, Qld.

Alyssa is Dr Hazratwala's Practice Manager. Alyssa has a nursing background and is a Registered Nurse having graduated with Bachelor of Nursing from MacArthur University in Sydney. Alyssa has a thorough understanding of the Medicare Health System and how the Private Health Funds work. She has worked in both the Public and Private Health Sector in New South Wales and Queensland.
Alyssa is your contact person if you have any questions or queries with regards to your account with us.

Caitlin Stark is Dr Hazratwala's patient partner. Caitlin is a motivated physiotherapist who has experience with post operative orthopaedic care. Caitlin was the Team Leader for in-patient Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at the Mater Hospital in Townsville. Caitlin is a local graduate from James Cook University and particular interest in Musculo-Skeletal Physiotherapy. Caitlin is available for queries and questions before , during and after your hospital stay.
Caitin in conjunction with Dr Hazratwala will make sure that your recovery is pain free and personalised to your individual goals. Our aim is to return you to your desired level of function as quickly as possible.
To know more about our Patient Partner Programme please click below.